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Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Renaissance Fund

Levin Law | 4.10.2020

Levin Law, P.A. Is Investigating Brokerage Firms That Recommended and Sold the Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Renaissance Fund (GER) to Customers

The national securities law firm, Levin Law, P.A. (“Levin Law”) has launched an investigation into securities brokerage firms that recommended and sold the Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Renaissance Fund (GER) to investors.  Please contact us at (305) 402-9050 or if your financial advisor recommended Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Renaissance Fund and you suffered significant losses.  GER has dropped more than 80% in value in the past few months  Many brokerage firms marketed GER as being a conservative investment appropriate for elderly retires on a fixed income, as well as other risk-averse customers and those seeking to preserve their capital.

GER Invests in Master Limited Partnerships and other Energy Investments

The Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund invests primarily in master limited partnership (“MLP”) and other energy investments. Many MLPs are risky, expensive to the consumer, and can cause investors significant losses —  particularly during market turbulence.

GER is a Risky and Complex Investment

Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Renaissance Fund (GER) was always subject to meaningful risk of loss. Unfortunately for investors, however, many financial professionals and bankers informed their customers that the Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Renaissance Fund was a “safe” or conservative investment.  When making recommendations to purchase securities, including MLPs, financial advisors have the duty to fully explain all important risks of such investments.  Many stockbrokers and other financial professionals, however, did not disclose the true risks inherent in GMZ, resulting in investors thinking that their GMZ investments were safe.  Those investors were understandably surprised when their “safe” investments recently dropped more than 80% in value during the most recent market decline, resulting in part due to the spread of the Coronavirus.

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