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Attention Flagstar Bank Customers Located in California and Throughout the Country - Levin Law Investigating Flagstar Data Breach

Levin Law | 6.23.2022

Approximately 1.5 Million Customers Affected by December Hack 

Over 1.5 million customers have been affected by a data breach involving Flagstar Bank. According to publicly available information, the hackers were able to obtain social security numbers for many of those impacted. The financial service provider, however, did not discover the breach for nearly six months. It is unclear why it took so long for the security failure to be uncovered.

The national data privacy and class action law firm Levin Law P.A. continues to investigate data security failures nationwide, including the most recent Flagstar data breach. If Flagstar notified you that your personal information was accessed in the most recent data breach, or you believe that your personal information was compromised in the Flagstar leak or another hack, contact Levin Law at (305) 402-9050 or email [email protected]  for a free case evaluation. 

Affected California Consumer May have a Claim against Flagstar

For California consumers, you can sue a business if your nonencrypted and nonredacted personal information was stolen in a data breach as a result of the business’s failure to maintain reasonable security procedures and practices to protect it. If this happens, you can sue for the amount of monetary damages you actually suffered from the breach or “statutory damages” of up to $750 per incident. If you want to sue for statutory damages, you must give the business written notice of which CCPA sections it violated and give it 30 days to give you a written statement that it has cured the violations in your notice and that no further violations will occur. 

Flagstar Bank Data Breach

According to TechCrunch, in excess of 1.5 million Flagstar Bank customers were part of a data breach between December 3 and December 4, 2021. The financial institution, however, did not discover the breach until June 2, 2022. At that time, they notified law enforcement and sent letters to affected customers. 

It is believed that sensitive personal information such as social security numbers was leaked during the hack. The cyber incident involved hackers obtaining unauthorized access to Flagstar’s network. It is unclear why it took the company so long to discover the failure. 

A data breach notification filed with the Office of the Maine Attorney General indicates that Michigan-based Flagstar will be offering the 1,547,169 affected customers two years of credit monitoring and identity repair services because of the “external system breach (hacking).” The data breach notification indicates that over 1,000 Maine residents have been affected, but the consumer reporting agencies had not been notified. 

Second Security Breach in Two Years

It is the second security failure in two years, as noted by TechCrunch. In early 2021, the bank was part of the Accellion hack, which exposed customer names, tax records, social security numbers, and more. It is not clear what steps, if any, Flagstar took after this breach. 

The Accellion hack reportedly affected other large financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley. Given the sensitive nature of the personal information accessed in these and other data breaches, afflicted customers may be able to pursue legal remedies. 

Customers who have been affected by this or other security breaches are strongly encouraged to contact Levin Law founder and managing partner, Brian Levin. Attorney Levin can help impacted customers determine whether they should pursue a lawsuit or have a valid claim for damages. 

Contact Levin Law for a Free Case Evaluation

If you were part of the recent Flagstar bank data breach or another financial institution’s security failure, contact Levin Law for a free case evaluation. Call (305) 402-9050 or email [email protected] to discuss your legal rights with attorney Brian Levin. 

Most cases are accepted on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you would not be obligated to pay Levin Law’s attorney fees unless money is recovered on your behalf. 

About Levin Law

Levin Law is a premier national data privacy, cryptocurrency, securities, commodities, futures, and class action law firm. Brian Levin, Levin Law’s founding attorney, has helped recover in excess of $150,000,000 through arbitration and litigation for individual and institutional investors throughout the country and the rest of the world. Levin Law represents retirees, individual investors, high-net-worth investors, ultra-high-net-worth investors, institutions, family offices, trusts, publicly held companies, and others.

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